We are one of the most highly regarded arbitration teams in Germany. We represent clients in every possible type and configuration of proceeding conducted in the German or the English language.
We represent clients in institutional as well as ad hoc arbitration and have experience with a wide variety of arbitration rules (in particular the ICC, DIS, LCIA, ICSID and SIAC rules, but also various other arbitration rules). We also act in proceedings when German law is not applicable or when the arbitration is seated outside of Germany if the language of the arbitration is German or English; in this regard, we work together with a well-established network of experts, who are consulted regarding the applicable law. In many instances, the team can rely on the foreign language capabilities of particular team members.
We are active in numerous commercial fields; the major areas are described in a separate section under expertise. Our advice pertains to all stages of a dispute, beginning with the clarification of the facts and internal assessment of the circumstances of the dispute as well as (if desired) guidance during settlement negotiations, followed by comprehensive legal and strategic support in the arbitration up to and including representation during set-aside and enforcement proceedings once an award has been rendered.

We go to great lengths to assist the legal departments of our clients with their internal communication, task allocation and decision-making issues in order to provide them with comprehensive support, especially in complex cases or disputes of paramount economic or fundamental importance.
The firm's attorneys accept select appointments as arbitrators. In particular, Daniel Busse regularly acts as an arbitrator.